
People under 25 don’t know who India.Aire and Brandy are, maybe Ray J because of the earbuds and Kim Kardashian. There’s whole channels on Youtube where young kids are hearing Biggy, Wu-Tang, and Nas for the first time and having their minds blown.

I can imagine the meeting where this was presented. So many awkward tech bro high fives.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14

Also Probably Jesus: What the fuck assholes? I didn’t mean ‘send them to heaven by not feeding them so they can meet me’.

The mustang into the crowd meme is a meme for a reason.

I have no doubt in my mind that management and executives at rental companies buy fun ass cars on the company dime for personal use, beat them to hell for a month or two, and then put them into the fleet. I can’t even blame them.

They were so close to getting it right. Another entry in the Arkham series where you play entirely as one of the members of the Bat Family, would have been greatly welcomed. Then the story writes itself: Where is Bruce? Can Dick lead the Family/will he become the new Batman? Can Jason find redemption? Can Barbara

They are THIS close to achieving a non-hormonal male contraceptive. I dare them to ban that.

I don’t want to besmirch the reputation of cat ladies, many of them are fine individuals, who come from a multitude of political backgrounds, but I was raised Catholic. The pro life church ladies who would really push the message were the biggest cat ladies I had ever met or seen.

I tried telling my nephew: that any market where a significant percentage of its participants are straight-up cons, and running scams, with zero oversight, or accountability, is not a market with much of a future. He said the zero oversight was a feature not a detriment. I guess he wants to learn the hard way.

Scoreboard Alito. The US beat the British so we don't have to listen to assholes who serve Their Majesties.

This is 100% truth. Republicans have never lied about what they intended to do to abortion rights. Dems push the cart down the road on almost EVERY issue.

Jesus: What? I didn’t...how is this? Where and when did they conclude THIS from what I was saying?

Unfortunately ticket prices have gone up over time but you get a great show for the whole family at M-m-m-m-m-m-m-MONSTER-JAM-JAM-JAM.

Why? English Premier League ownership has been diverse for some time. It’s WAY more diverse than any of the major American sport leagues. Plus Hamilton is beloved in the UK. Here in the states we have no concept of just how big a deal an F1 champion is to their home country. Watching a 100,000 Brits lose their shit (in

Underestimate senility affecting political disillusionment among the young at your own risk. The risk being Trump Part 2 or President DeSantis.

Imagine a broken Ubisoft game that is a rehash of previous Ubisoft games, but released 3-6 months before they’d normally release it.

Mike held back, and I commend him on his discipline. He taught a quick lesson, but the true power could’ve easily killed this man.

All her impersonations are exactly the same. Even her Hillary is another version of Giuliani.

Stop using logic to make a decent conclusion on something that doesn’t fit a pre-existing woke vs too woke cultural narrative for the failure of a movie franchise that no one even knew was coming out this weekend, or had much affinity for in the previous two installments.

Now playing

Kids in the Hall are back!!! This seems appropriate.