
I’m a nurse at a major general hospital. We’ve seen a lot of death and suffering. Talking to fellow nurses, and doctors, the people in our lives “just asking questions” have no interest in listening or believing our stories. I’ve given up on those people, because analyzing past data, you come to the realization: they

Special prosecutor, and grand jury, tell me that everyone in the criminal justice system is passing the buck because they don’t want to get their hands dirty. The only justice my fellow cyclists are going to get is in a civil trial. Usually, cyclists who can afford an Iron Man grade tri-bike, have the means to afford

Let me get this straight, you think that one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is secretly a Twitch streamer, who spends his nights pwning noobs to a pulp with his bare melee, and your plan is to hack this person?

Better idea: lift the car on bags, and then trigger the bags to drop the car if it detects the cat being stolen.

My Dear Legislature and Governor of California,

What a massive asshole. He knows Tarantino would never do Lord of the Rings, not in any universe. Weinstein was using Tarantino’s success to try and bludgeon others to do whatever he wanted.

Outlaw Star is the best anime of all time, FIGHT ME!

Of course Andrew Wiggins would fold. For starters he’s not that good or irreplaceable, and he’s got money, but not Kyrie money. Kyrie is a true believer. He’d rather leave the game and walk off the edge of the flat-earth, than be told what to do.

Ghost spider clown train...

99.99% of drivers know what to do when they see a bike. It’s that fraction that scares the shit out of me. The guy that honks at a group ride scares the crap out of me. I always think he’s one step away from doing something horrible. Besides prison, drivers should fear endless litigation, because the people I know in

I think what the article was pointing out, was that new tech in a car is different than most all consumer products, because it has to undergo a whole host of costly and time consuming testing for performance reliability and safety. By law, reputation, and stock market, they can’t plug and play out of fear it might

That’s a little overblown. I think human nature is, with proof throughout all of human history: Hey, this is going pretty good, this is going to last forever probably, there’s definitely no need to plan for the worst case scenario, because it will never ever happen.

I know this piece of land, I’ve taken beach trips with my family there. I had no idea about it’s sad history. I do know that this is a HUGE come-up for the descendants of the Bruce’s. The land is four blocks of the primest beachfront property on earth. Each house there goes for no less than $2.5 million, with the ones

As a cyclist I know it only takes one fixie bro running a red to give us all a bad reputation, but just this week, I had a guy flip out on me because he wanted to merge to a right turning lane and I had right of way while hugging the curve. I delayed his life on a Sunday morning by seconds but he acts like I grabbed

They're your problem now. No-take-backsies.

Whenever we get scared that there might be a Civil War Part Deux, just remember, this is the quality of their troops. They don’t want that heat.

I’ve just come to understand that the US military is one of the largest polluters on earth. They also have a long history of exposing personnel to toxic and carcinogenic materials and then denying it’s the cause of long-term illness in veterans: see agent orange, jet fuel, and depleted uranium. 

If only we had vast empty land owned by the federal government to settle people in. If only we had large employment opportunities that native U.S. citizens refuse to occupy. If only we had a way to reverse slowing population growth that will burden the working age population with caring for a quickly growing retired

The best thing about Skyward Sword, is that it was so bad and annoying, it forced Nintendo to rethink everything and make Breath of the Wild, perfect.

Andrew Wiggins ain’t shit. If the Warriors compete this season, 100% depends on the health of Clay Thompson. Wiggins had a whole season to finally show up and play on a real team, and they couldn’t even get an 8-seed in the playoffs.