Because they all like the multiplayer component?
Because they all like the multiplayer component?
Parents can't even begin to fucking appreciate these things like they should.
Buy the PS3 320GB Uncharted 3 bundle for $299?
Definitely does. And doing backflips in a car? That's the shit.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who absolutely loves batman beyond...
I lol'd.
I'm not falling for their trap this time.
I was a part of the May update testing with Halo Reach.
This much I know. I am no "occupy wallstreet" dipshit.
That is where you are extremely bias, and probably pretty closed minded.
Yeaaahhhh... If console fanboyism was political, which it pretty much is, Kotaku would be totally Xbox-wing extremists...
Yeah, because intellectual property has actual value, right?
It isn't just gamers, it's everybody. Everything is dictated based on other's opinions, not on the person's own.
According to Kotaku, Rage also sucked.
I don't. There's origin for that.
It already has been. Just LOOK at Call of Duty!
With no people playing it?
How about awful? Or bad? Anything?
Well, it would make sense for them to throw in IE, but they haven't.