Very informative!
Very informative!
Now the one left at my Sears will sell!
I really hope that all of the grammatical and context errors are caused only by the utter excitement...
I double gold-starred Mario Kart DS.
You know, that couldn't be more true!
Thousands of years ago, humankind paid their respects to the sun. It was important in every way we believe religion to be today.
I'm gonna pass on this one and pick up Killzone 3.
red rover, red rover, goosebumps all over...
A guy can hope...
It very well may...
Nate looks like he's surfing...
@canuckgamer: But the iPhone is a social stamp.
@kujel: You're grounded! Go to your room!
And it is a good game, trust me. I've played it.
@kujel: Boys!!!
@PsychoNun: Either way its the same security. Just stay away from Arizona!
@PsychoNun: So... You get to jump the border for a little bit?
BIC 0.9 #2 lead mechanical pencils are the way to go.
@themightyspitz: That bitch in the middle is fucking hot!
@Rachel Fogg: Nobody will ever know because I never stop...