1 million dollars for a house that is half the size of my 135,000 dollar house?
1 million dollars for a house that is half the size of my 135,000 dollar house?
@otakufish: It is just waaaay too sluggish for me.
@NissanFlyboy: Lol. Look at my avatar. I've been here for awhile.
Ok, I don't think anyone is understanding me because of my poor wording.
@etchasketchist: Would you like for people to bash on you because of a mistake?
Not quite as snappy as I'd like, but it looks a LOT better.
@bleuiko!: How long have you been trying? lol.
@MrMister: and has to get it's stomach pumped?
@bleuiko!: Yes.
@someone_else: False.
I formally welcome back Sony.
With one life lost, another begins.
@symphonycometh: It is very touchy.
@anaki: I see. I guess what I am trying to say is that even though the original Xbox was a better system than the PS2, it didn't sell nearly as well, and the same plague is hitting the PS3.
@xblindx: It doesn't do video at all, so it doesn't really matter...
Okay, this is from the amazing sight that ruins my worktime, yahoolaughs.
@exoskin: Exactly my point.
@Lonesnipa: This is what it is supposed to be, and when I clicked on my profile, this is what comes up. However, anytime I comment, it spits back the ps3.
@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: You are very smart?