@Dodge2002: AMEN SISTA!!!
@Dodge2002: AMEN SISTA!!!
@pcez31: Not to be a Corrective Candice, but it was XIII that was announced for the 360.
Sony already has MAG...
@Shotofen: Yes. You deserve a banana cream pie.
@Dex-Starr: Wow. Because it was a fleeting thought for you, sir, and nobody else.
Does R&C really look that good on PS3?
@SeƱor Cagon: Yeah, that was preety sad to me... I loved the idea, but I knew the final outcome of the product would only be about 50% of what we originally saw.
Looks decent...
@ginazninja: So the Halo Reach bundle, which is launching a little while after these 320GB Move bundles, which only has a 250GB HDD, isn't $400?
You see, it is true that hitting a price point that touches the next hundred drives down sales.
@Microshock: Or just pay the extra $50 to get the stuff bundled in?
@thecrimsonalchemist: Well, A few years prior to them there 40's we had nuthin but 20's. 60's if you were made.
@rommy021: Same. And correct me if I'm wrong, but can't the bluray laser (not spelled with a z) already read anything bluray?
@ginazninja: And neither can Microsoft?
@bowen13: That was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. Thumbs up.
Iron Man + God of War + F.E.A.R. =
@valdesjon: That I did...
@Matat: lol so true!
@Bllybrd: Snc y wr th clsst, Y'll gt th nswr!
@norazi: Yeah, but how else would they include the iPhone in the article?