
Looks more like a vacuum then a weapon of grass destruction.

Excellent song choice, sir.

I've coded a few of my own skins for Rainmeter. They're a departure from the average desktop-covering-every-statistic-must-be-monitored-change-everything-or-die themes that you usually see in screenshots of Rainmeter. My skins are simple, easy to use, and have heavily commented code so the end user can edit the skins

Good catch, I didn't notice that.

Oh of course, it's easy to sound better than two speakers. I just think that wonderful speaker set is being squandered - hopefully it will last until this person gets a bigger space to put them in.

A full Logitech THX certified surround sound speakers set lined up with the center channel hidden behind the laptop? *cringe*

Goldfish are people too!

For those that don't know, the "hard way" to do what this program does is (on a Linksys router) as follows:

Just rub a wet bar of soap on your face. If you shave daily, a bit of lathered soap works fine.

You guys and your chopsticks... This is a waste of time

It's Aslan!

I keep my alarm across the room. When it goes off I make as much of my bed as I can while staying in it, then when the alarm gets too annoying I get out of bed and finish making it, then I cross the room and shut off the alarm. That generally does the trick. I also set my clothes for the day up the night before, so I

D'oh! Didn't even think of the user manual, my bad.

What should I use for the host name and domain name when setting up my WRT54GS Linksys router?

From what I've heard, Paint.NET is much more user friendly than the GIMP, but it's nowhere near a professional level. There have been many new HTML5 and Flash image editing webapps released in the past few months though, it's worth looking at those.

After a bit more searching I found a program called YouDown, where you paste a list of YouTube video URLs into the program and it downloads them all for you. It is discontinued, but [youdown.en.malavida.com] seems to work as a download link.

There are dozens of programs that will download YouTube videos. I've never used one, but [www.freemake.com] looks promising and is worth trying out. What I use instead of a devoted program is a browser extension/add-on. If you search in the extension or add-on website of your browser for "download YouTube", you'll

If you want a set with a focus on gaming, [www.turtlebeach.com] offers a variety of nice console-specific headsets with extra-long cords, etc. They're nice headphones for general use as well. Worth a look.
