
It is very, VERY misleading to act like the auto industry “did nothing” about emissions. The difference in vehicle emissions from 1979 to 1989 is astonishing, and the amount of money and time that was spent on R&D was incredible. Only someone ignorant would claim they “did nothing”.

“The govt’ made us pay ten years wages for a medallion” is more the case. You try losing that kind of money to some random dude with a smartphone and no skin in the game. 

“We have no idea how to be relevant, so we need the bullies in government to limit the innovation of innovators!”

I need some help here. How does this make sense:

Show me the document enslaving them to such terrible things as employment. If they underpay, leave. They only underpay because people are willing to work that job for that pay. They have their civil rights (see protesting), their corrupt leaders are part of the employee/employer relationship. If you dont like your


Why should the government reward bad behavior? Screw these guys. Welcome to the future.

Lots of butthurt here. Instead of throwing a coordinated temper tantrum, why not make a coordinated effort to compete?

Nothing gets the public on your side faster than to screw everyone’s day right?

How are you connecting this to the automakers or other companies and making it their fault? It’s not like the residents of the town are the people who built the cars or any of the other products they’ve taken. What did those companies do to provoke this? It's not in the article above - do you know more? 

I see. This is yet more evidence that we should bring buttons and knobs back to cars instead of the new crap that we are getting.

I used to consider Google Maps gospel too, but no longer. She’s taken me on some fucked up routes lately (NYC to Narrowsburg, NY took me through NJ, which is possible, and PA, which is not)

Let’s drop the 25 year rule along with it!

Don’t hold your breath.

So if Trump actually takes the deal, doesn’t enact a tariff, and gets the EU to drop all of theirs, will Jalopnik post a big “well, crap, Trump did a good thing” article?

Dont worry Jalopnik is here to remind you that Trump is still very bad at deals and this is most certainly not Europe coming to the table but rather them really winning.

Can we unify safety and emissions rules too (Sorry California) so that we could share all the interesting cars available in Germany without the 25 year wait?

Holy shit, being able to get small trucks?

This simply can’t be. This is exactly how Trump is hoping his tariffs will work, which I have read on the internet, isn’t possible.

Cadillac XLR: the equivalent of a man who colors his eyebrows - classic.