
Haha! My brother who’s pretty well built himself once borrowed my camera to get a photo taken with Lou Ferrigno. (This was in the 90es before camera phones were a thing) Lou was signing autographs at a desk, and my brother got him to agree to a free photo, which required him to jostle round in front of the desk to

I was once at the Dublin film festival in 2013, and on the return journey to Scotland, I had to get to the airport 2 hrs 30 mins before take-off, as that’s what the Dublin airport requires. So I was there very early despite being up very late. And I’m in the waiting lounge, when who walks in but Joss Whedon. Because

I did once go to a Star trek show where all the tng cast, with the exception of Jonathan Frakes, were there. People were lining up for photos with Patrick Stewart and I was one of the last half dozen or so. But Patrick was already late for a prior engagement and was asking how many folk were left. So we’re being

I once worked in a cinema and some guy said that to me at the box office. It’s such a pointless question really. Apparently he was a famous footballer. But I still to this day couldn’t tell you his name!

That does sound strange. I know stereotyping gypsies as thieves is defininitely in poor taste all right. Still I’m not sure if I’d go as far as to see it as rascist. If only because I’m not sure that we can actually classify gypsies as a race. But yeah, I can see how it would be offensive. Sounds like he drank too

Hmm..what was it that Ruffalo said?

Yeah..I had that on the super nintendo. It was a heck of a lot of fun!

Well I think this does tend to happen when notable film/tv dates are reached. I remember a lot of it around 2001. (Strangely enough though nobody quite expected the moon to blast out of orbit into Space in 1999 though.)
I think Back to the Future is more notable for folks because of the importance of the dates in a

Cap's already taken down a note to contact him..(Top of the list)

OMG! I''m watching Person of Interest just now. And that had been exactly what I was thinking as well. (Thought I was the only one LOL!) He's got the intensity all right. And I definitely think he'd be a lot better than whatever young hollywood pretty boys might be up for the part..

I still think The Entropy Effect is the best Trek novel ever written. As well as one of the best time travel stories too. I'm half convinced that some of the storytelling of Back to the Future II was influenced by that, as it really goes into detail on how multiple journeys back to the same time can really mess things