
I drank half a bottle of Captain Morgan last night. Woke up today with little to no hangover at all and I felt fairly refreshed.

That sounds like a blast.

That sounds like a blast.

I beg to differ.

I beg to differ.

As someone who has played basement hockey using mini hockey sticks I can very well say that your knees don't get injured at all.

As someone who has played basement hockey using mini hockey sticks I can very well say that your knees don't get injured at all.


This is just absolutely terrible.

They're using that extra revenue to make deals with the record labels now.

Grooveshark is free. It costs $9 a month though for the Adobe Air app and the mobile phone apps. It only costs me $3 a month though because I was grandfathered in.

Grooveshark FTW! It's got a fantastic web app. It's available in my country, and it's only $30 a year for me for Grooveshark anywhere!

My elementary school used to have the playgrounds constructed out wood and metal, and the ground was gravel. Then in grade 3 it was constructed out of plastic and metal and the ground was wood chips. That same year I got hit in the head with a metal trolley handle. My face was covered in blood, and I was totally

Hmmmmm place a box of pop tarts in there and you are good.

Hmmmmm place a box of pop tarts in there and you are good.

Honestly this was very underwhelming.

Honestly this was very underwhelming.

If there is absolutely no censorship then yeah everything should get in. Or else they would be anons with blue faces and curly moustache.

Better than GoogleNet I guess. Not that they don't already have my soul already.