@serenada: Not really.
@serenada: Not really.
@Eriah: That's for sure!! Not enough side boob IMO.
@metallicfire0: Oh was it really?!
@sans_fi: Yeah I guess, but it's a PG-13 movie. Would've been cool though if went running along with a serrated sword lopping of peoples heads and then boiling them for supper.
Yep, anons only purpose is to bring lulz and joy to the internet.
I agree with what SpyderMS said. What kind of family member does that, you're supposed to respect family.
@joekewe: Well you could always look at while you're going up the chair lift.
Really I've never had a probelm with it. I'm on Android now though, and now use Friendscaster for Android.
Never wanted a Facebook account, but one of my friends made me one in 2007. Then I actually started using it last year because people kept planning events on Facebook, and I needed to go what was going on. Now I'm obsessed with Facebook and am on it everyday. *sigh* Facebook really is a great tool though, too bad it…
Wow that's creepy! How did they even get your photos in the first place.
@jetRink: Ewwwww I just realized JO means jerk off.
What if you build your own valued over $699!
Beating Portal should be a mandatory pre-requisite for college.
Sucks, but on a side note does anyone have the picture in the article in wallpaper form?
@Green Jello: Yeah! WTF! I bought 20 for $15 buck, 6 months ago. And they were energizers.
I actually agree with every single one, I'm a little surprised that game consoles are #1 though.
Wow this would have been really helpful LAST year, geee thanks Giz.
@katana4red: Printception
Do want!!! But why does it look like it has a D-Sub port.
@Better Days: Why?! That's what mobile sites are for!? Desktop facebook doesn't work on the 3GS either. I don't know why you want it to though, scrolling up down left and right would get annoying.