@EUAN1337: PShhhh Nothing wrong with that, it's what Kotaku is all about. Amiright! Hater!
@EUAN1337: PShhhh Nothing wrong with that, it's what Kotaku is all about. Amiright! Hater!
So is this like the PSP/PS3/Media Go's ability to sort music by mood. Because that works really well.
@pixelsnader: profit, enjoyment! whatever same diff!
@briannewton: Or Titanium Sync which backs up to your dropbox.
@uncarlo: Fuck Yeah!
@Ueziel: Wow you do sound extremely spoiled when you say they have to buy back your trust. Go live in Africa for a month.
@Ueziel: Whatever I'm happy about it! I don't own any of these titles, and with PS+ you only own these games for the life of your subscription. Won't be subscrbing again I don't think.
@cosmopanda: I just want a working PS3 : (
@coren: mhm
OMFG that's terrible!
Oh awesome that's pretty handy. Gift Cards are kind of annyoing if you have a million of them. And then you don't where to put them all.
@Greg_The_Bunny: It's time like these that I wish I had a star to promote comments like this! Oh well you get a heart :D
Yeah I do! I set Tasker to open up Pulse when I get up! That way I can read, Not Always Right, Consumerist, Top Gaming Stories, Tech stories, enterteignment stories, and funny stories. As well as Gizmodo, Kotaku, iO9, Jalopnik, Gawker, and Lifehacker.
King_saberhawk posted this in Whitenoise the other day.
Wow that's the biggest Braille Fail I've ever seen!
@DRaGZ: It's a Social Gaming Network, like PSN, or XBL, Steam or Apples own social gaming network thing. It's a lot better than Wii Connect 24.
I use GTalkSMS for controlling my Phone. It can Send texts, pull up contact info, find your phone, ring your phone, send text to phones clipboard, open up websites, send your clipboard to your computer and other stuff
I already use GTalkSMS for this. Plus it can do a whole lot more like pull up contact info, find your phone, ring your phone, send text to phones clipboard, open up websites, send your clipboard to your computer and other stuff