So I take it you have a facebook account :)
So I take it you have a facebook account :)
Oculus Rift. "Most social platform ever".
Oh, that's cute. You think Sony's VR is anything but a marketing gimmick. Sorry, but if you actually wanted a VR headset for games, OR was/is your only real choice.
Uh.... These are those amazing graphics I've been hearing from so many fanboys about!?
Yea, two processors of identical make, one clocked 10% slower, returns results faster... Yea, Ok chief. It's just more fanboy math.
William Usher and Cinemablend... really? I'd sooner believe Playstation Blog's review of the X1. You too funny.
This game is ridiculously poorly ported to X1. Half launch software issue, Half bullshit favoritism.
Not 11.2 huh? Oh you were in the room huh? Sitting in the corner while the adults talk doesn't really qualify you for anything champ. You should go take a look at hotchips slides. Lol, too funny.
Ugh.. No, retard means retard. As in you're developmentally slow. Like you're too slow to see what's in front of you.
You're mistaking that people like you are enough of a majority to be able to recoupe expenses on all of this - you aren't.
Look at the rest of the footage.
Sony's camera does not work like Kinect2. Rather it works like Kinect1.
your argument is now invalid.
Yea, you can applaud the idea, but it's BS in reality.
Oh, I see, you are retarded. Sorry, have a nice day.
.... Are you fucking retarded? YOUR argument was that DX12 wouldn't work on X1 because DX10 didn't work on 360.
Hmmmm.... Where have I seen those XYAB buttons from again???
We can dream, but I'm not sure I'd get my hopes up.
I'd really appreciate a shooting game where the guns were realistic. I mean everything, recoil, malfunctions, sights, everything that they make "just work" more like real life where you need to actually know what you're doing.
What is the point of pretending to hide your massive Sony bias anyway?