Like.... to make a hole into?

PC Master Race! ;)

LOL that anyone still plays CoD.

"News source" Lol, using that term as loosely as possible I see.

Because DICE has confirmed they are the same resolution. PS4 isn't actually more powerful than X1 for graphics, get over it. It's a way a lie. When you actually look at bandwidth, the Sony advantage isn't able to fed, the X1's is. They'll perform almost exactly the same.

The CG / tech trailer they showed looked great. The gameplay video looked absolutely like something on PS3. I saw nothing graphically impressive in the gameplay video of poking simulator 3000. Also, Free To Play is going to be Pay To Win. Fuck that noise.

Lol, deep down is a free to play game that's 60fps @ 1080p. NOT 4k. And it doesn't matter because the far play looks beyond AWEFUL.

A 770 will "fix" all your problems huh? Tell that to the people running bf4 beta! 15-20fps with high end setups.

That I out lag video, yea, that's not the xbox that's the TV. Turn your a smart TVs "processing" on, and that's exactly what you get. But nice work trying to pin that on Xbox. You trolls are getting sad as fuck now that DRM isn't inst an issue, man, those were your golden days right!?

No. The PS4 version of BF4 does NOT run at a higher resolution or frame rate. Stop making shit up please.

No, don't watch what's left. Season 8 was horrible. Just leave it at LaGuerta and make your own ending, it'll be vastly better than what I just watched. ;)

SUPER bad.

I'm not sure how thick you think cars or walls are... But repeated .308 rounds would easy have that effect.

Oh, poor Glorious Master Race... snubbed again... and again... and again...

Oh, poor Glorious Master Race... snubbed again... and again... and again...

Right there with you. This looks IDENTICAL to Halo, which I've played more than enough times now. OMG it's MMO.... So is Division but that looks EXCELLENT.

Right there with you. This looks IDENTICAL to Halo, which I've played more than enough times now. OMG it's MMO.... So is Division but that looks EXCELLENT.

I'm having such a hard time beleiving anyone is really excited for this! It's HALO! It's knock-off Halo, or Halo-Re-Envisioned, but none the less, it's HALO. There are beyond too many similarities to count.

LOL at the snarky, petty, pathetic commentors here. The irony of course is the same people taking a dump on this, are the ones that likely could use it the most!

Oh snap, you called it a media box, that's so sassy.... Wait, which console has the better AAA games again? Oh, the mediabox.