The SDF might think so

Imagine that. Someone who actually has no idea touting a feature of the PS4 that the X1 not only matches but stomps all over. Stop the internet!

Oh, poor fanboy. How about from Cerny himself:

Uhm? And how does that change anything? Amazon, Sony, Gamestop, all want to make money while possible.

I'm putting $100 Internet dollars down that these new Sony bundles are because there is about to be some big news about Xbox One and they know it. If you have been reading the Semiaccurate reports on the hardware they are implying something not yet released.

Umm... "Playstation On" huh....???

Nothing more to continue with, Sony is BROKE right now. They need a huge win for to turn the profits around (hard to do with a loss leader like a console) in order for the SEC to even consider allowing the "entertainment" division to split off into an IPO. I don't see that happening for years.

Don't bother with trying to explain Sony is sinking. The SDF can not possibly be bothered to google "Forbes2000 Sony". They lost 5.5 billion last year and haven't posted a profit in 5 years. The SEC is NOT going to let them spin entertainment off into an IPO with the way things are going but that's exactly what Sony

Assuming not trolling but not sure.

Yes, they are already offering Developer kits, for $299 or something you get a prototype Kinect2, the SDK, examples, and support, then later you get a retail Kinect2.

You're an idiot.

Go easy on him. Sony trolls are short for ammo these days. They're just as desperate for reassurence in their console of choice, they just have a lot fewer options of getting people riled up enough to agree or get upset. It's sad. Leave him be.

It's not, it's gun obvious.... and non-guns, but only because the non-gun was shaped like real gun, so, obviously, we should ban guns. Let's just just keep trying prohibition! FOR THE CHILDREN....'s PS4 funds.

Perhaps someone needs to explain RATE PER CAPITA to you? Also, pretty sure murder is violent crime, but hey, if you want to segment it out like that, we also have the lowest murder rates since the 60s (how about that right!?).

Lower and lower EVERY YEAR idiot. We're currently at violent crime rates that compare to the 1960s which is the lowest ever recorded in the USA.


Bla bla bla
Sweden is better than Us,
Bla bla bla
Glad I left
Bla bla bla
MS is making a massive mistake not offering X1 in Sweden day1, they are the epicenter of all that is cool and and the world trend setters
Bla bla bla
... And occasionally something about bf4

Yes, dice. Alan Kertz specifically. I've talked to him about it.

Even BF4 is using Kinect2 day one. It's beyond easy to add in. Expect to see a LOT of it this coming gen.

Those guys are so in the tank for Sony it's nuts. They're all pissy that Sweden has to wait to get the X1.