WTF? How can anyone be excited for this game? YOU'VE ALREADY PLAYED IT.

"How many lies have M$ been selling us?"

BF4 is coming out right around the same time. I'm sure Call of Doggie will be fine and have some fun aspects, but BF4 it is not. I'll be lucky to get to it around Janurary I'm sure.

See how I post Forbes link, and you post none? See how MS's market cap is 14x that of Sony's? See the articles about how they are seeking the SEC to get an IPO to spin entertainment, which I'll remind you, the only reason they would do that is to look more attractive to investors, because again, they need money.

But you're sticking with it anyhow ;) Well, stick to your guns I guess!

that's nice,but you are either dead wrong or just full of shit. 5.5 BILLION DOLLAR LOSS for 2012. That's why they want to soon off entertainment as an IPO which won't go through because the SEC knows they are broke.

TITANFALL, Forza5, Below, Spark, Ryse, Halo5, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising3 (timed), I think there was at least one more but I'm not going to look it up because I don't really care.

This article in theory: "Look at the change we can make! Yes We Can!"

What is your point? The company hasn't turned a profit in 5 or 6 years. Your "point" is that GM wasn't going bankrupt because H2s were selling well, doesn't matter.

Sweet, you saw a CG trailer for a dishonored clone and that's what's keeping you for PS4... Good luck with that.

Sony is almost certainly selling below cost. For a company that has posted BILLIONS of dollars in loss for the last 5 years straight, including a 5.5 BILLION DOLLAR LOSS in 2012.... Might not be as brilliant as you think.

You're insane if you think the game lineup was stronger for PS4. No amount of fanboy vitriol can be that toxic that it could cloud vision that badly.

I agree, HOWEVER... This is one way disc-less can still work without "DRM"

YET here you are on an Xbox post and previous Xbox posts complaining about it. Without the intention of ever getting one. That means you're a troll.

Well... yes, that's sort of the caveat. Since the disc is required to be in the drive and the FIRST use has to be connected to the internet this is important!

You idiots lost features you didn't understand. Good, you got what you wanted. And now you're complaining about tone in which they gave it to you?

Ask Sony about how it works idiot. No, better yet, keep bashing MS, maybe they could remove some other features from the system to make it more comparable to PS3.5

They "showed their hand" ? Fuck You.

6/19/13 Microsoft was successfully trolled into reversing its innovated features.

That could be done, but then you would have two types of disc that show up on ebay, one that isn't linked to any account, and one that is linked. It would be a disaster.