So... If I'm understanding you correctly, you're paying $60 to play frame for two-three weeks then returning it for a net loss of $30...

You can't sell or lend digital downloads on PS4 huh? Oh, on Xbox One you can, but I forgot, DRM is the devil.

I agree, Sony is likely to help end used game market with direct downloads.

Their main selling point right now is not look what we brought to E3, it's hey look, we're not Microsoft! Which is a crowded market because PC, Nintendo, Ouya, Apple are all also not-Microsoft.

Remind m which drm games you've played that have a network for 300,000 servers....?

Oh sweet another Microsoft DRM post to kview page hits up. It's getting old.

Is that what assholes think they are going to get by putting coffee can mufflers on their Honda civics?

I think it's an excellent observation that in a very short time period MS has changed the rules. They are no longer competing with PC or PS4.

"as well informed as we are"

Yea, because getting up to swap discs is awesome. Oh the PS4 switches quickly, not as fast as X1 but quickly still? Only as fast as you can switch the discs :( Or you could use direct download titles to have fast swapping on PS4...

Who said anything about Sony, troll?

Don't pick on him. He's no more small minded than the others. Then again, no less either! ;)

Sony can offload to WHAT servers/cloud? They went through last year operating a a 5.5 BILLION DOLLAR LOSS. Sony doesn't have a cloud, MS is going to 15k Live servers to 300k. This isn't a cat vs mouse game that Sony can catch up to, they're looking to IPO their entertainment division because they are hurting as a

God forbid they optimize the design for multiple markets with multiple power supplies!

Feed me?... Except that the drive in the Xbox One is going to get substantially less use than with same owner of a PS4. The internet complains about the unholy devil that is DRM, but it means once I install, I'll never have to put the disc in that drive ever again. Even IF a PS4 could switch games as fast as an Xbox

Congrats, possibly the most disillusion and most acute case of context bias I've seen yet today.

MS is definitely in the stronger position. Any one of the X1 features could be MASSIVELY HUGE for the industry. So much so that it seems like kids that rage against it just have so little imagination of what MS is setting up.

Yes, you can add anyone you want. It was retarded to call it a "family" sharing. MyCircle, or Group Sharing or any sort of other term would have been a ton more apt.

Amazed that the people who supposedly follow this type of stuff, wouldn't look at the obvious exception and the reason MS was not willing to discuss this.