
Track Lessons

Don’t text and bike

I propose doing a lease and attempt to “lease swap” every 3 months

Austin, Texas’s leading performer of vasectomies

Need to correct another section in the article.

One year my sister-in-law “cooked” a 19 pound bird in two hours. We needed more of everything else because we ran out of edible turkey.

A large problem I have found with many regular to compact sedans / hatchbacks is the issue of 2 carseats/boosters with a 6’ tall driver. Simply put, most sedans fail at comfortably seating a tall driver with multiple children that require car seats.

Eddie Bauer [not-so-limited] Edition Explorer

Your future job may not be related to the degree you are attempting to obtain.

Realized when I had to put a car seat in the back of my car...should have bought a wagon.

None, order of vehicles I have owned:

The main ecosystem that I see for iPhone is iTunes. Once we passed the Napster era of mp3’s everyone slowly flooded iTunes because of iPods. My wife doesn’t want to veer away from her iPhone because then her music would be less portable in her view.

KW consumption to charge it and estimated time from a Tesla Supercharger station (Tesla claims 75min** for the Model S)

I think you have found a “Question of the Day”

Does it diesel-gate?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Is it redundant to have a digital and an analog clock within a foot of each other, or did they just concede to the fact no one has the time to read an analog clock while driving?

Here is the small travel set.

I had a small hiccup when I had my ‘09 Subaru (purchased new) automatic transmission fluid changed and was going to have the filter changed. But my mechanic found out the hard way that my transmission wasn’t one of the two standard transmissions installed for that model/year. This issue found by dealer/manufacturer

This guy’s range rover after his Car Max bumper to bumper warranty is up.

Drive it in Texas