
I see free to play as an evolution of the arcade.

Now would be an awesome time for me to start a Midwest Video Game Museum.

CES last year was from what I saw all about water proofing. I expect those products to hit this year- meaning we'll have phones and cameras come out that are waterproof. If they catch on, I see that being standardized. Phones in particular because people are tired of dropping them in the toilet.

Oddly enough, the grocery stores around here don't even carry paper bags anymore. I haven't seen a paper bag in probably 3-4 years.

At the end of the DS' cycle of true games for it (we're really at the end if not past that point for the system) didn't developers say they stopped supporting it due to a fear of piracy?

Did everyone just create this depiction of Samus as some bad ass that shot first and asked questions later?

My cousin is 4. For Xmas she got some TMNT action figures which I thought was awesome, but after opening them up she immediately ask her mom to hide them.

Pokemon also had this issue a couple years back. Found out my Silver stopped saving.

Kotaku actually posted about them looking for people so...I applied.

Insofar I got a pair of socks, bunch of gift cards, a pack of cards and cash.

This to me if true means Sony is releasing a console that offers nothing consoles already on the market offer, and are going to attempt to persuade casual gamers to buy an expensive system they don't need.

Oddly enough, my childhood gaming consisted mostly of games my parents thought I would be into up until I was able to tell them exactly what I wanted. And at that point, they rarely got off track.

I hate to say it, but I'm with Triforce. I would not have participated in this either.

Before Gold & Silver I came up with this item that altered all the Pokemon into Twisted versions of themselves in a sort of parody way.

Let's take away 1st amendment rights to allow 2nd amendment rights?

I thought Pikablu was a reaction to leaked images of Marill?

Being a person who played every generation and loved each game, Gen V is the worst. But let me explain why.

I always go default split. Half the time I'm not interested in majority of the games too, but I like supporting Humble Bundle for what they do.

Going to throw my 2 cents here because I have no where else to do it.

Gaming channels could work if they changed things up.