
Ya know, I can't say why they didn't announce FE at the conference. There's rumors that they were going to announce what Retro was working on but didn't because it wasn't ready. It could be the same idea, they felt it wasn't ready yet. Nintendo has been doing this new strategy where they announce games close to

Ubisoft confirmed the title was PC/PS3/360. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they moved the title to Orbis/Durango before it launched.

Creative Director.

Here's my thoughts on this: we did this to ourselves. All the rumors, all the speculation, all the wanting bombs to be dropped. We all knew Microsoft was going to show us Halo and Gears and talk about another channel we didn't want. We all had a feeling Sony was going to focus on the PS3 and drop a few titles on the

Never said it did, mate. You brought up stock, so I replied with 2 separate ideas of the potential conclusion here if it were to be sold off.

Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo would all make it console exclusive.

If they disband the company in parts due to no interested buyers at the price they want for the whole. It said "assets" and down the line, an IP is an asset.

There would obviously be agreements in place if any of them were to attempt to purchase such a large entity.

...oh dear God. If someone big bought them...

Ya know, when you think about it, it's only lackluster because a lot of the games are ports. For someone who never owned a PS3/Xbox 360 this generation, they have a lot more to choose from.

Eh, I think everyone just feels like someone HAS to win and are grasping at straws.

The Internet has to be weighed by two things: safety and accessibility. I can post this on Kotaku because there's no one saying I can't: fuck.

I'm curious...since they have their own security, I wonder if security gets paid really poorly too.

I don't...even have words.

Oh I am.

I'm allergic to cats...*sigh*

It's a good thing I gave up online dating before getting to the point of paying for it then. Otherwise I could be one of those people!

Nintendo to buy SEGA's IPs confirmed!

It was. For a portable it's a bit much. For a home console, it's much more reasonable.

The reason is because sex sells. It's not just about guys, but majority of gamers are male. But even looking at male characters- unless they're evil or some weird mutation- majority of heroes aren't bad looking.