
If you want to work with 3D, why do it on devices that don't support 3D? There are plenty of devices right now that do on the market and an iOS device isn't one of them. I don't see the point in working with iOS and going "Let's make this in 3D!" if you have to buy an add-on for it to work.

They must have thought of this after the sales of the PSP-GO...

The DS design could use more curved edges to be easier to hold. That's truly all I can think of in design terms.

I've been saying this since about a month after the Circle Pad Pro released.

It bugs me when people say "actual crimes".

I don't see a market for 3D games on systems with 2D...that doesn't make sense.

3DS digital release? Compilation game of the 3 games for Wii? HD Virtual Console release on Wii U?

...I wish I had uncles/aunts as cool as you, mate.

I make everyone in the car do it. Adults in the back seat don't have to buckle up, and it's a $20 fine for passenger side (not me).

About to favorite this so anyone who REFUSES to wear a seatbelt in my car can watch what happens.

Unfortunately I've still not acquired a Sony system to play through a GoW game- and I'm not sure how I feel about it from the demo I played a long time ago in a store that went out of business (holy crap has it been a long time).

I'll be frank...I've never played a 3D Castlevania. How does this stack up to 2D ones?

Steve Jobs gave Apple its comeback with the iPod. It created the sleek idea of tech we have today in order to sell it to the masses, yes.

Apparently anyone who owns an iPad immediately has to know of everything it does and needs to be 100% tech savvy.

Very interesting idea.

Depends on definition of alpha.

...yeah, I call bullshit.

Nintendo's interface is more like that of a cell phone.

I personally think he has issues with his ego, which equates to his social skills not interacting well. He burst out of the 2004 AMAs because he didn't win best new artist. He stormed the stage at an MTV award ceremony in 2006 for not winning- and argued about not winning.

Before 3D got popular, the only IMAX movies I remember seeing were documentaries and nature-esque. They had an IMAX theater when I was very young in some museum, and I recall my grandpa taking me to see something to do w/ oceans.