
I just can't stand her at all. I hated her on SNL, I refuse to watch movies she's in. I find she plays the same annoying character in everything she plays. Will Ferrell had the same issues for years being pegged in the same role time and time again.

I heard that. Start with a new cast. But why bother at that point? Are they so out of ideas that you have to reboot a TV show?

I love 30 Rock, but the writing feels as though they already had plans to end the show soon. They're beginning to wrap up dead ends.

I think they've come around with software. Hardware is hard to say much about, but I enjoy mine.

Oh Sakurai.

Damn it! Let's argue some more about definitions. Actually, I'm still playing Smash- you all figure it out. I'm a little busy having fun.

I just started playing after some friends basically guilted me into it. Since then I have added people more and more to my list of coplayers.

It's a game. Where you have characters fight each other until one wins. But that could also include RPGs, so that definition isn't suffice enough.

Wouldn't be much different if they gave you something like a t-shirt with ACIII on it.

I found the game for the Gamecube awhile back, played through it and find it a decent game. I'm looking forward to the sequel as the story was well done.

How shitty. These days they just pick it up themselves, and I never get delivery- always pickup. I can at least know when it's getting to my house rather than waiting around for it.

...build your own software from the ground up that competes with Adobe, and sell it for cheap?

You do realize majority of computers have viruses or malware installed?

As a Smash fan, I dug deep into the crevices of Nintendo's history for one off shot games. It's not like Ico and SotC that had people wanting more, it was smaller titles that no one has ever heard of (like Ice Climber but even more blurred). There are a handful I don't believe they've put into Smash in any form,

It's too dangerous these days.

ISP providers don't have the authority to do anything yet in the US. Basically it's hands off.

I feel dizzy just from watching that and knowing how many times I would go upside down in a small amount of time.

The moon was bright.

I don't know if it's harder or easier to figure out characters from Sony titles that could go in this game.