
I think you are right, but I also think most/many universities would drop a bunch of programs due to cost/revenue in title 1x completely disappeared. I think title ix isn’t perfect in anyway, but I don’t believe colleges would continue to support womens athletics very much (especially since the activites themselves

How is this not proof? Or does it have to be like Chapelle’s R Kelly proof video of his grandma saying “That’s my Robert. Always peeing on people”

Ciara needs better writers and collaborators. That’s it. She’s not particularly deep, but never in my whole ass life did I expect that from her. I don’t think she’s a drone. She just seems to follow the Beyonce school of personality, which is kinda boring but not bad. It’s very safe and a bit reductive, but it is what

Cops HATE Her! Baltimore Prosecutor Holds People Responsible for Killing a Guy With This One Weird Trick.

Answer to #1

This is VERY CLEARLY a joke she was in on. Don't make a thing out of it, please

Turkey Sandwiches... debatable. Just sayin.

omg i love this Drunk History episode. So funny!

I had shit for brains, and both my penis and I were "in love" with her. I don't deny it. I thought that, hey, I can help her become a more reasonable person. I was wrong.

... No, that bitch was fucking crazy.

Oh for the love of god, lady, there's is no need for all this verbal diarrhea.

My fathet, who I adore, was a hard man torn apart by war and death and guilt. He was, and remains at 68 years old, an amazing athlete. Sports defined my, and my brothers lives. It was the one thing we understood outside of the rampant dysfunctionality. My dad and. I fell in love with eachotber on the golf course. It

It's only cute in movies.

The dude needs to go to different places. My kids are long out of diapers, but more often than not, if a restroom had multiple stalls, it had a changing table.

Maybe I will finally wear the 1920s mink cape I have hidden in my closet that I am terrified of ruining so I just pet occasionally.

Chris Brown is obviously just trolling us now.