
“It’s what happens when Ang and Spike Lee co-direct a film together”

I’m not trying to excuse her behavior with this, but she has to have mental issues right? Like this is so far beyond a terrible decision that I have no other explanation.

Did anyone really feel like the main character was exploited? She had what appeared to be a good family life, wasn’t facing economic hardships, no addictions and just seemed to want out of the small town. She wanted something very expensive (big city life and experiences) at an age when most people can’t afford very

What about the titties? Nearly two times that targets.

Also, name another product that is acceptably photographed after being peed on. Forget the sharing on facebook and everything. Just, straight up, “Yo. I took a picture of this tree stump after I peed on it.” People would think that insaaaaane.

Read that in shock and thought “people don’t do thaaaaaat”

I’m thinking about transitioning myself. Just for one day. I’m going to become John Goodman

I don’t care if it makes me a bigot. I do not support inter-facial couples.

It wasn’t lame! I liked it! If anything, my obtuse joke was lame.

And 9 times out of 10 it’s a non straight white man bitching about straight white men bitching about political correctness.

I don’t get it.

Slow down. Let me get my abacus so I can do this math.

Pope Jon Paul the second, I believe?

I was going to scroll past this story until I read your comment. I’m heading back up!

What makes Ron White nasty? I mean, sure he’s old and not easy on the eyes but past that he seems harmless and an awesome dude to have a drink with.

I feel like there should be something about setting up the “rules” or “boundaries” within the sex acts as well. One partner may be cool with a threesome so long as their SO doesn’t kiss the extra person or maybe the only kind of penetration with the extra person is oral.

In case anyone’s wondering, that lawyer knows all the hottest clubs in Scottsdale, you should hit him up. ‘Got a few connections too in Vegas, but he’ll have to make a few phone calls. Are the girls you’re with cute?

No, no. You read the comment. You want all the smart people to move to a lawless Utopia where everyone freely enters agreements and you can smoke weed out of a shotgun. Just admit it and move on.

I’m a little confused - don’t the majority of patients (in the US) get to pick their doctors? Like, in emergencies or receiving discounted care you probably don’t have any choice but if my ding dong is about explode because of a UTI or yeast infection and I need care ASAP, I think I’m in the “beggars can’t be