(oh. definitely T.I.C. I just dropped the ball on conveying my comment as a joke)
(oh. definitely T.I.C. I just dropped the ball on conveying my comment as a joke)
I watched Boogie Nights last night in which (hot take alert) she is just simply amazing. That movie came out in 1997. For her to stay so relevant and dedicated is really a testament to her talent. That being said, I no longer value her contributions as an actress after that tweet.
This is probably a reddit only thing but the term "neckbeard" and "bro" are thrown around as disparaging remarks way too often as well.
I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but why do you think playboy is considered the Gold Standard for women when everything about the brand is in the shitter? Financially, it's not doing well. Culturally, I'd say most consider it a trashy throw away mag and I can't remember the last time a playboy model crossed over…
The website has been timing out all afternoon so I had no idea if my first post went through or if my edit went through. I basically sat all through lunch thinking "great, I chewed someone out because I didn't take the time to read four comments down" and more or less felt like a giant ass.
Ignore. Typed that out and it was a misunderstanding. My bad.
You and I have different definitions of the word "luck."
(website timed out so I have no idea if I'm reposting, I apologize if I am)
I feel like the sub-reddit mod feature is the best part of reddit. How else could you shape a sub to feature specific content that a group wanted?
And yet, here you are on a Gawker site that did the same exact thing with the same exact photos.
I will not mind with this lo-fi trend dies out.
Exactly. It's insane to think otherwise.
Stop using "zOMG NPH asked Spencer to perform a task in a lame comedic bit and she was in that one period piece where she had to do things for white people!" as examples of casual racism and you've got yourself a deal.
I don't quite understand what Meron has to do with the nomination process or why you needed to remind him of the voting results. Also, only marginally insulting that you implied those nominated didn't deserve it because of their race.
Ha! Thank you.
Is there an age/race/child status cut off for using that word? Like, hypothetically speaking, can a 33 y.o. married white dude with a two year old pull it off? I feel like I'm doing well with "keepin' it 100" but don't want to push it.
What about women who receive anal sex? Women who receive anal sex aren't a group that has a high rate of HIV infection. Regardless, why do you want to put our blood supply at a greater risk?
Right. Kind of over thinking this one aren't we?
You won't hear me argue that some rules aren't without their contradictions.
At least make him walk around the office without his pants on for the day.