
You know, you're probably right about the roommate experience I only had one bad one who surprised me with his asshole behavior after we moved in. I guess what I meant was, assuming you know the person well enough to marry the individual finding out that he only flushes when he poops isn't enough reason to jump

I'm in the "not until you're married/engaged/suuuuuuper f'ing serious about a big ass long term commitment" camp but not any moral/ethical reason. I just think people tend to avoid difficult situations or conflict and may avoid ending a relationship because they are living together. The financial and emotional costs

I've never, ever, trusted "reluctant strip club dude" and I never will. It's a white knight in disguise who doesn't think women can be trusted to make their own decisions.

Coincidence. Like catching 30 plus green lights in a row.

When did they start showing implied blow j's on network television?

From an outsider's perspective, I'd say the bib looks pretty functional.

From vanilla to kinky, you've got your bases covered you ol' Avialae smut peddler.

I need some new material. Got a link for that?

Don't worry about it. The way I started the convo made it sound like I was some kind of holocaust denier.

I'd say very pissed but when his agent calls and says "LeBron wants to be in a movie" I don't believe "well he'll have to audition like everyone else" is an appropriate response.

What in the hell does that even mean? Even if it did say the word white, I wouldn't connect it to myself because my family wasn't even here when that shit went down. Secondly, and I can't believe I have to point this out, the word isn't exactly necessary for people whose family was around during this shit to make the

You're some how arguing that because the article didn't specify white people that it is somehow not reminding us of the past nor bringing up atrocities. And that makes no sense because the article is talking about atrocities that happened in the past that were committed by white people. That is literally what the

Now THAT's a popcorn gif.

You're close. It was the Inuits.

K. That's what I thought. By the reaction here you would have thought I suggested that the gays were somehow loved by the Nazis.

Ya. I didn't know that one was common knowledge, but I'll cop to being ignorant on that.

This show is off the fucking hook.

Honestly, I just thought they rounded up the gays and threw 'em in with everyone else. Was that not the case?

Let me rephrase. Were the gays separated from the other groups that were rounded up by the NAZIs? I thought they were all just tossed in the same area.

What in the hell is a gay concentration camp? Did those even exist?