
My statement probably has more truth pertaining to your dog than it does to me.

I was born with the ability of looking amazing in every photo... or at least that's what my mom tells me. =P

"price for the tome" shouldn't it be time?

I agree. I like nothing on my desktop so all I have is a wallpaper which has lots of space that could be used with the tablet UI.

I think that it is a very interesting UI and there is a lot of development that should happen but I feel like they should be working on perfecting a UI for desktops and production. This seems more like a casual recreational computer/tablet user. I used the Omnimo desktop for a little while and this looks like a

That is soooo annoying!!! I've waited a over a year for a stagnate domain but to no avail.

I'm using Win7: [Documents][Notepad ++][Dropbox][Chrome][Outlook 2010][Word 2010][OneNote][PowerPoint][Excel][Rhino 3D][Autocad 2011][Revit 2011][3ds Max][Adobe Illustrator][Adobe Photoshop][Flash][Dreamweaver]

Sureee blame it on the wife... haha chrome you can set it up to sync with multiple people where the theme and everything can change. Actually IE9 isn't too shabby.

Windows 7: By far the best Windows OS I've used. The 64 bit is sooo nice compared with the Vista 64. When I had Vista it crashed sooo many times I almost thought about getting a Macbook pro but with 7 I'm happy. I really like most things except it feels like a large ape compared to when I boot Ubuntu. If Ubuntu

wow everything looks cooler in slow mo

Ohhhh I love the laser cutter... being an Arch student it saves me sooo much time. I've been wanting to cut out my dad a bday card but I'm lost for ideas (actually it's coming to an end of a project so I've been too busy to think about it)... If anyone has ideas plz tell me!

I'm sorry but an HP was my first computer at the end of high school and my entire family had them but they all overheated and burned up. There are other better manufacturers out there who have better computers at the same price point. For me It's worth the extra money to get a decent computer.

I'd say go with chrome but if you love IE then you should update to IE9 (which I think might be coming out of beta soon [tomorrow maybe?])

Cheap plastic FTW!!! HP FTL!

@Nefilim: Watching this after wasting my time watching the other one totally made up for it. lol

Svalbard Global Seed Vault stores millions of seeds underground (just in case there is an apocalypse) and it looks cool!

I have the same computer and it is a beast. I've upgraded my hard drive but other than that nothing has been done. I have the same model # how do I know if my motherboard has problems?

@Matthew Ho: the commenting can use html tags so like this: i Italics /i

These are all AWESOME