
Can't wait to get back to college!!!

@Trevor Sutherland: That also looks like a great website. Thanks I'll be using these websites and hopefully one day I'll be pro

@Aipaloovik: Well now that it's legit to jailbreak it seems like it's going to increase

I could use those legos right about now! I could turn my office into legoland! I love legos!!!!

@Qxface1: Would audacity work?

@P2Labs: There is no such thing on web-based emails but you can use a tracker

Wow it looks cool. Good thing I'm a student! haha it doesn't seem too practical though. A regular keyboard works good for me.

@planetarian: Haha I know I'm sorry. I am stuck at work using IE8 and it's getting on my nerves and so I lash out against it. I'm actually looking forward to IE9. I really hope Microsoft can get back in the game. I marked the date and I'm going to try it out and see!

@MySchizoBuddy: Whoa whoa whoa calm down dude! Calling me ignorant, really? Wow, really shows your maturity. Bravo.

VOTE: Slickdeals.net, Dealspl.us, and logicbuy.com

@scoobydoo: Are you doubting the power of the Apple gods?

@Shift5G: That's what I was thinking... There was a great deal on it a few months ago when I was just starting to look but I didn't jump on it. But now my best friend has convinced me the Canon is the best and to get the T1i/T2i but I'm waiting until Black friday/christmas for a good deal.

What Apple wants Apple gets.

I wish that my office looked like that! Maybe once I get back from college my coworkers would do that! I can only hope.

Does anyone know what the UI look like?

Is it just me or are all pawns neglected?

So I see a battle brewing. Apple vs. Jailbreakers. Apple will update to stop jailbreaking and then they will just find a new way to do it. It will be an endless cycle.

Open source FTW! Wait...

Now all the countries can discuss funny messages that have been sent! It would be like TFLN but global!

I think it's great that a camera company produces interestingly colored cameras. I might not like all the colors but someone else won't like all the colors I like. I'm thinking about buying a camera and I really like Canon but they are black and boring... How do these camera's compare to their Canon entry level dslr?