@winshape: Was that a tough decision?
@winshape: Was that a tough decision?
@blehbleh13: I know I was looking to purchase a touch mp3 player that had the functionability of the ipod touch but I didn't really want an ipod touch but nothing else was out there that was even close to an Ipod touch so I ended up sighing and getting the itouch =/
@shua.jo.m: That's what I do now! It espesially helps when working on long architecture studio projects to for a jog or our arch hall has a basketball hoop in the atrium and so I brought a basketball so my freinds and I play. Best games of bball i've had are at 4-5am! =P
@Prairie Moon: Yeah! that's a great theme... I was using the same them on buth ubuntu's chrome and windows but i switched my windows theme to that one. I like the black themes!
@Seif Sallam: how do you have them sync with each other?
Google wave based? I'm sad that GWave has seemed to have died.
LH should warn sites so they can prepare for the onslought =P
@LeftClicker: Everything on linux seems to run faster =P
@noahfahlgren: I think that it depends on the computer. Office 2010 works really fast on my computer but on my sister's computer it runs slow. (we have about the same specs just diff brands of computers)
Has Microsoft released what IE9's UI will look like? I'm sorry but no matter how good it is for me it all comes down to the UI and how well one can actually utilize these features. I switched over the chrome because I like the UI a lot more than firefox and if Microsoft can show that they are back in the browser game…
@Platypus Man: On windows 7 32bit the RAM limit is 3GB. My work computer is a Lenovo x201 with 4GB RAM but it can only use 3GB because It has Windows 7 32bit but my personal computer can use all 4GB of RAM because I'm running Windows 7 64bit.
@Landon Roberts: Google is by far the best way to find information! I've used the ubuntu beginner pdf thingy and it's a little too beginner. I'll fo sho look into those sites. Thanks!
Great article! I've recently dual booted my computer with Ubuntu because I wanted to see what all the talk was about. It is AMAZING! I thing Microsoft did a great job with win7 so I find myself split between the two. Ubuntu is freeeeeee (and things are just better when they are free) so I like it a lil more.
@JCulp: Also student advantage is a good place for discounts.
Did anyone mention these free college student programs: Dreamspark.com for free microsoft programs. A HUGE one is [students.autodesk.com] its free for college students. I'm an architecture student and this has saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Getting most programs through my university store saves lots of…