
12 people starred this not knowing that 360 came out in 2005?

I don’t know how to say this the nice way so... yes, the 360 was launched in 2005 you dumbass.

It has coop but that doesn’t mean it’s a GaaS. It does appear that it’s introducing some more RPG mechanics but we really don’t know that much about the structure so I’m not planning to form a whole lot of opinions yet.

I wonder if this is a sequel to Arkham Knight or if it’s it’s own thing that has a beginning very

Sokka’s first girlfriend was so sick of his odious comic relief she became a celestial object to get away from him.

Oh god no! I would legitimately cry! “You have two minutes to score 1,250,000 points, oh but you screwed up your first landing and your board had a physics glitch and is now stuck to random geometry in the ceiling. 1:19 left to hit that score goal, GO GO GO!!”

Well, they also left Harlan behind with superpowers decades early.


I truly appreciate the amount of continued love Bloodborne gets on this site. Maybe my favorite game ever, every space in the game is loaded with personality, every weapon unique and interesting, and a story so interesting and massive and completely possible to miss entirely. That DLC, too, might be my favorite DLC

But doesn’t everyone get all the new maps and characters, even if you don’t buy OW2?

Source 2 has been rumoured for the past 3 years. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Satisfactory ... [is] like satisfactory...

Yeah, I still have and use daily my V1, launch day PS4. It still works like a charm, has given my family zero issues, and has never been anything close to a "monstrosity", let alone a problem of any sort. Cool take tho. 

Didn’t you hear? In order for a movie to not leave you with endless questions about how any of it makes sense, it’s now perfectly acceptable to insist the audience read up on Twitter (and let’s not even go into the requirement that you play Fortnite too).

After shoving the “but what about...” thoughts to the back of my mind during almost every scene prior, the reveal of this fleet is what finally lost me.

Boy, it’s a real shame that we didn’t actually get to see this fleet FIGHT in the movie, and got to drool over all the new/old designs, and see how that fight went.

I dunno. For me she is a bit too much. She seems to be missing her twirly mustache, snickering dog sidekick, dynamite, rope, and a train track.

I believe that was Kotaku’s own Paul Tamayo.

Eh, not exactly. As the guy who used to review all of the HTC devices for Gizmodo, I would say the larger problem was that they had an amazing breakthrough device with the HTC One, and then just kind of failed to innovate after that. They went for gimmicks instead of things people actually wanted and needed and they

You must be thinking of something else. It was playable at E3 2004 (presumably this is the build that has now been leaked, as it sounds like it has the same missions) but nothing playable has ever been released publicly.

You realize The Hollow Man was a remake of the Invisible Man, right?