
For some reason I think it would be insanely funny to show this kid a picture of Marcus Feenix and say “That is an XBox.”

That was a youtube hole I was not expecting to go down. 

shit fuck. I’m the kinda gamer that plays maybe 30 mins a day, but every now and then the first 2 mass effects, fallout 3, earthbound, stardew valley and they are billions comes along and i am playing 10 hours a day every day for a month.
fuckballs. i’d stay up all night playing this update but my wife is having

The article literally says no more exclusives for ps4

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* random guy waving a Kenshi flag in the background *

Wow! I feel completely opposite! I got this game for my son for his birthday, it was the first Battlefield title that I myself had skipped. I played about 10 hours with the EA Access trial and just couldn’t get hooked.

On an unrelated note, I’m sad to report that it seems like Splinter has won the crown and is now the only GMG site that doesn’t give me a 414 error when I try to redirect to it on mobile.

Hence its name?

Imagine if these guys put that effort into getting chicks....

Terry would be perfect Barret.

We all know who really fucked up the Locust Horde and got a statue made for him.

Microsoft explicitly stated that it was multiplayer-only at E3 2015.

Thanks. It actually took a bit of prodding from my wife to get to where we are.

I just got to say, I love how Stardew Valley has become the default example of this genre instead of, you know, Harvest Moon lol.

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These shanties are awesome. I’d have loved to get subtitles on them so I knew what they were singing about in the heat of the game, but I guess given the troublesome nature of dealing with all the Greek dialects a 1:1 translation would have been messy. I still do find myself humming their melodies every now and then

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Because Giant Bomb has a video for everything.