
Remember that whole "Suck for Luck" thing the Colts had going before they drafted Andrew Luck? Maybe the Bucks have something similar in mind for red hot college superstar Jackie Pong. "Long for Pong!"

You watch every single show ESPN airs?

Just one of those things you doodle in class during a boring lecture, I guess.

I think she's trying to say that there's so much misogyny in the world that, by including misandry, she's equalizing things.

Former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is running Purdue University now and I imagine he's going to give everyone a run for their money.

Yeah, the granddam on his sire's side seems to be a good mix of fresh blood. Still, I'm surprised he was so cheap, considering he's got Secretariat and Seattle Slew on that side as well.

It's a shame they've inbred thoroughbreds so much that it's going to be the downfall of the breed. I remember reading somewhere that nearly 1 in 7 of all registered thoroughbreds can trace their ancestry back to Native Dancer.

I can't believe you ranked Vaan above Penelo. No, wait. I can't believe you ranked Vaan anything except dead last. That game got 100000 times better when you could finally boot him from your party.

I think he means no Chad, just the number.


I know you're so super edgy that it hurts but children are people too.

He looks like Tim Allen at about the 40 minute mark in "The Santa Clause".

Wow, talk about crude. That's usually the kind of language you hear at a school board meeting.

He's looking pretty damn good for 50 years old.

Where do you work? A monastery?

More like a, "Oh sweet baby Jesus, please don't let anything happen to our goalie" stare.

When you have to tell reporters that it's safe to come inside your home, thus implying that you aren't going to fly off that handle and mercilessly beat the shit out of them, you've done something wrong with your life.

He's lucky if he only gets a suspension.

My grandma puts salt on her fruit. What do you say to that, huh? HUH?