These movies are getting longer and longer. Some people just really need to go to the bathroom.
Personal, because they were a village of vampires...!
Watch Okja, now can’t eat meat.
He’s not wrong though, math is math.
Brandon Routh’s real life wife is Courtney Ford who plays Nora Darhk so Ray and Nora could team up (again) next season.
My grandmother could recount, in detail, events that had happened to her, things her own children couldn’t remember. This would happen during the day, but when it got later you’d see the change. It can be pretty sever, this change, going from completely lucid and engaged to struggling to remember their own relatives.
I’m thinking it just might not be for you.
Don’t fuck with Beebo!!
I genuinely thought that when they started peeking at what they were creating, it was going to come out looking like this (but Beebo was even better):
We don’t talk about the first season.
This show is amazing. I want to point out that this is an episode where a bad-ass, Themyscira-trained Helen of Troy killed a shitload of bad guys with the standard sword and jumping around, and then picked up a gun and casually mowed down a shitload more, and it barely rated a mention in the recap.
When you are young and foolish it seems like great fun to challenge yourself with the hot stuff. But as you get older, and wisdom kicks in you realize... mmmm.... maybe honey garlic wings are good too.
Nature’s Warning..
Do not fuck with a food item that appears to flipping you off.
One of the best, if not the best, thing about this season has been Neal McDonough’s performance as Damien Darhk. When he appeared on Arrow, he was meh, but here, he’s a delight.
It would be great if Kotaku would label them with the character and franchise, which they’ll never do despite someone asking for it every time they post one of these.
As long we have Ron Perlman you have to wonder if we are that different.