
The only time I had the misfortune of seeing one of those, I almost ran off the road and directly into the protest. I doubt a jury would have convicted me.

Of course it is.

Freakonomics did a story where they found a huge drop in crime 18 or so years after abortion became legal.

Related: my son refers to individual strangers as "humans" rather than people, girls, boys, men, or women (i.e. "Look at that human over there with the blue shirt"). He also refers to strange animals as friends ("Look at that squirrel friend on the deck"). So not only are age and gender irrelevant to him, he feels

But can we all stop using "woman" as an adjective, please? Elizabeth Warren is a female senator. Or a woman who is a senator. Not a woman senator.

And Ferengi culture is super misogynist! It all works!


Adultosaur, you win at life.

THAT IS A REALLY GOOD POINT. So, not so much an exception as another manifestation of straightwhitedude privilege?

BURST out laughing at this, had to explain all to boyfriend, he is very "huh?"

Bruce. (That's his real name.)

I just looked at the Twitter results for "female." Brain bleach pls

Every time I hear someone refer to women as "females," I think of this.

They do! These are the guys who think that women (ahem, "females") are completely different from men, and not humans. This use of "female" de-humanizes.

Seriously, the only time I want to hear the word female is in a nature documentary. For example, "After coitus the female of the species devours the her mate." That sounds just fine.

I cannot recall a single instance where a guy referred to women as "females" when they were not an insecure and awkward person.