Just a reminder about the male/female lead age gap in movies (that apparently does not exist, and we make it up)
Just a reminder about the male/female lead age gap in movies (that apparently does not exist, and we make it up)
I wonder about the same thing. He does all these things, and he gets up when I want to clean, and he keeps telling me that no, I should not do that now he will do it later, and yet...when I come home, nothing.
And the tell me what to do, please is awful. I am not your mom, dude!
Husband had three weeks off, while I wrote on my thesis. He has not ironed his shirt, has no time to empty the dishwasher or fold the laundry or clean the tub. Instead, he worked on some 3D stuff he likes, which will not get paid.
I did empty the dishwashers, and I am going to clean the whole flat tonight, before I…
I can read gawker and jez just fine, but Kotaku is blocked here at my university, as well as funny or die and other entertainment pages. Guess they do not want us to read about games or look at cat pictures. :)
Another thing that we should also keep in mind: Scientifically speaking, people in the BMI range of 23-29 are the HEALTHIEST . This is regarding to wound healing times, recovery times after surgery, age at death, general Doctor visitations...
The BMI is an arbitrary number, and a panel of healthcare professionals…
Yup. You can have celiacs, You can be allergic to gluten (contact allergy), you can also be gluten sensitive (looks like celiacs, but another immune response), and you can even have difficulties digesting wheat (the problem here being the fibre, NOT the gluten)
finally a place where I can show off my newest find: Tom and the bottle of doom!
hmmmm, Aperol...Now I only wish they would not charge 70 NZD for a bottle that only costs 8 euro somewhere else.
Yes, they only wanted to save money, because they already bought a seat for her.
I would also recommend to get a few books. Sexuality, aka who she is attracted to, has nothing to do with her gender.
What about actively preventing a depressed teen the right therapy? Because that is what they did, if you take her gender issues away.
You called it. Every time I read the word flouncing, I remember this. (Loca the Pug who cannot run)
Only 30 years ago, a doctor was trying to convince my mom that I had no migraine, since I was only a child, and "only married women get migraines, you know " *eyeroll*
like the people who cheerfully take up two seats with a bag.
The German social contract states that on NYE, there will be fireworks. Thou shalt spent at least half your December salary on fireworks.
Since they went overboard on 2000, where I was one of the millions of people who had direct, close body contact with a red rocket during explosion...I cannot handle it. Not even a…
Go, Abby, Go!
While I agree that most shows are not great on CBS...I LOVE NCIS, with their relatively good representation of women. Abby and Ziva forever. The only thing I really dislike on NCIS is that most women die...The female boss, the first female agent, the wife of Leon...Not to mention that Mcgoogles Gf ended up in a…
I actually wish for socks from my mom. She knits then herself, and sometimes I can pick the color. Who else can say they own neon-yellow, grey and purple melange, or turquoise-teal wooly socks to wear inside their doc martens to have warm feet during heavy snowfalls?
No shit. And what else could have been possibly the reason I married after 18 years, now age 37: I MUST BE PREGNANT!
Its hard to buy presents when you have no money. I am not really poor, yet I have not seen a paycheck of my own for one year. I live off a government credit for students atm, which is glorious 50 NZD a week. Which I have to pay back, together with the student fees they paid for me, once I finish. So yes, tell me again…