
If someone needs more of unnecessary sexy ads, here are a few pinterest boards:

Martial artist here, too. When I trained contact, most of the guys were overconfident or just not able to imagine an opponent would go for the balls. I ALWAYS went for the balls, because I was a midget compared to most other dudes in Wushu. I also love upward nose grips or beneath the armpit, its easy to reach from

Look at Morticia and Gomez. Now that is a marriage that works. Both make an effort. On all the levels.

I also have to add that I agree with the idea that we depend on convenient food too much, and that fresh tastes better, but the claim that peanuts are a nono for paleo because they are legumes is...naw mate. Legumes are healthy. If you wanna go without starch its cool, but don't diss on the beans, that is just mean.

THIS! Preach, my friend. (Nutrition Scientist and future PhD in pathology/free radicals here)

And some dudes actually really want vasalgel. I know someone who is waiting for it...and checks on the news at least once every six month.

Fore once I am glad I only have to write my thesis and present it orally.
Ain't nobody got time for that.

I agree. (German living in NZ here) I was surprised how normal it was that pregnant co-workers stood in the lab until a week before their due date. and then come back 4 months later to work part time. Whereas my experience in Germany was that as a woman age 32 with a fresh diploma, I could not find a job, because

Aaaaaand I am drunk. Thank you for the Ad hominem quoque fallacy. Skol!

Ah, the exaggeration and sarcasm! So much bitter, wow. Black and white fallacy, btw. Hey, one more fallacyand I am drunk!

Does it taste legit to you :P ?

Ah, like the woman on that video who did not say a word? Cool.

Ad hominem fallacy, once again. second one in less than 10 arguments. I am on a roll!
(yes, I play fallacy bingo, why do you ask?)

hmm, unsure if this is the black and white fallacy, or a strawman...but definitely a derailment. Thank You! I am learning a lot about how not to argue.

aka the ad hominem fallacy.

for the people who wonder why the Germans complained: We are correct people, and correctly dressed, a milk stain is unforgivable.

Wanna feel really awful? Watch the documentary "war zone". I needed a shower, a bottle of wine and three corgis to feel better. And I do not have any pets.

Will borrow that.

Call the guys out on it if you see it happen, or hear friends talking about it, in RL or on FB. Hollaback has some info on how-to.

Go to the Hollaback page, I remember them having an explanation on the difference. Also, go visit Dr Nerdlove, he also has written something on it. Google is your friend, just stay away when you read something about alpha or beta males...