
Nope, it is not. It happened to me in Spain, in France, in Germany. In Brazil, too. In the US, and sometimes, but not as often actually, in NZ.

Good that it changes, since DNA defects are finally linked to old sperm. Go pubmed it yourself, or pay me.

He is a creep. Even abusive, as in: stalking her, separating her from her friends, reading her emails, ignoring her boundaries, threatening her...

I am a weekend goth, which means I dress dark/black/normal makeup during the week, but go fully gothed up at the weekend.

*sends an additional frown, being another 37 year old goth*

*sends an additional frown, being another 37 year old goth*

Vaseline has the nicer texture. Don't ask.

Unless you get one of the tuggers. I hate the tuggers. You know, the guys who tug on your cable to get the plugs out of your ears...

I also got the: "he doesn't have what I have" and the " hey, I don't mind if you have, its just sex" and the " he is not here now, is he". Urgh.

The fear of that they themselves might be treated the same way like they treat women.

Scientists are humans, too. We swear, we cry (both we do often, and we put our heart in). We drink gallons of coffee (we hope it helps), and sometimes we hide things like this in our papers. Janus Kinases are often referred to as JNK, or junk, at least in my lab. There are Tims, Toms, and other names hidden. I have

You can get gestational diabetes no matter what you weigh. Bad health for your baby has been linked to mothers being overweight AND underweight.
As a nutrition scientist, let me tell you what I have seen, and what I think of the issue: as long as you get the NUTRIENTS, your baby will be fine. Overweight and

The truth is somewhere else, actually. C-sections are more common in women older than 25. The older the pregnant lady is, the higher the number of c-sections.
And on top of that: Autism and other birth defects seem to be more related to the age of the husband. Couples wait longer and longer to have babies. Turns out,

On another note, the university of Otago complained about maybe a little rape culture in their University after takedown of a "rack appreciation FB page" where dudebros shared pictures of naked girls from their uni without consent. Yay. And the founder of said group said he did it out of respect for famous women, with

Please, pay 25 dollars to the womansplainer, who will google the study for you where they were normalising for the things you just complained and STILL found a difference of over 20%.

Huh, so the notsingle ladies can keep frowning, wearing sunglasses and listeing to music? Dude...maybe all the women you see are actually in a relationship?

Another one with boobs here, and I watch wrestling, soccer and rugby when I have time. Sometimes, I also watch Wu-shu forms on video.

But if you miscarry, you will have to go to court to prove that you did not do something stupid, that you have not willfully miscarried. You will go to jail for murder, if you just so much as had a drink during pregnancy, and the baby miscarried.