
The truth is somewhere else, actually. C-sections are more common in women older than 25. The older the pregnant lady is, the higher the number of c-sections.
And on top of that: Autism and other birth defects seem to be more related to the age of the husband. Couples wait longer and longer to have babies. Turns out,

On another note, the university of Otago complained about maybe a little rape culture in their University after takedown of a "rack appreciation FB page" where dudebros shared pictures of naked girls from their uni without consent. Yay. And the founder of said group said he did it out of respect for famous women, with

Huh, so the notsingle ladies can keep frowning, wearing sunglasses and listeing to music? Dude...maybe all the women you see are actually in a relationship?

Another one with boobs here, and I watch wrestling, soccer and rugby when I have time. Sometimes, I also watch Wu-shu forms on video.

But if you miscarry, you will have to go to court to prove that you did not do something stupid, that you have not willfully miscarried. You will go to jail for murder, if you just so much as had a drink during pregnancy, and the baby miscarried.

this is true in alabama, if I remember right...

Uhm...when you actually read Peter Pan and re-watch the movie...Peter is abusive, violent, egomaniac and such a creep, I do not want to see a romcom about that, thankyouverymuch.

I know bikini season as the season you cannot wear a bikini because you freeze your butt off. Thank you, last year's summer of sadness in NZ.

Maybe damned is the Australian way for BBQ steak? You know, raw in the middle, burned black on the outside? ;)

I would love to watch a movie about Marie Curie. How she had to fight to be allowed to hang out with Roentgen, how she was denied access to the university, how she struggled after her Husbands death. She was an outstanding woman.

Sorry, you just got #notallmen 'sd. Happens to everyone.

Most of the time, a woman kills her husband only if she does see no other way out, aka abusive relationship, no matter if emotional or violent. Else, women prefer poison to violence, and shooting sounds very violent and bloody to me.

I have to admit, every time I read the name Shia LaBoef, I really, really itch to link to the song "actual cannibal Shia LaBoef"...I can avoid it...I can....Nope.
here it is.

Reminded me of that time where a mom (drunk as hell) did not mind that her 5 year old daughter was asleep underneath our bar-table at 10 pm at a karaoke place. We asked friendly if it would not be better for the daughter to sleep at home, instead of our table, because we were worried that we might hit her or

Yeah. When I was six, I woke up because something tickled me...turned on the lights and I screamed. The ants had decided that they needed to build a trail across my bed, across my belly...Still hate them for that.

The biggest and important difference is what she says: did you mother tell that she hated you, or that she regretted having children? It is very important.

For example: my mom hated my dad. She had to marry him, even though she had a different BF at the time. She told me. Do I resent her for that? No. I know I would

The top one looks like a greatparty with lots of nibbles, alcohol and music. do not know how an abusive relationship develops? How the victim is told to be unlovable and disgusting, a wuss, and not worthy? how the victims will be shamed into silence, or threatened into silence (I will kill you, your mother, your dog, your child, etc), or are completely dependent on their abuser? (no

I even got my picky husband Sobek to eat anchovies on his pizza. (Kiwis do not understand the idea of salami as a topping)