
We just ran into server-fatigue two days ago: a group of us went out to dinner in a fancy latino restaurant, where there are only sharing dishes. Thing is: two are allergic to shellfish, one is celiacs, and we have one vegan (she is Hindu, i think) and one who goes vegetarian, because she is Muslim and unable to trust

Laughing is a defense mechanism. I laugh because I feel uncomfortable and want to get out of situations without having my face broken. I also laugh because I think "this can't be happening", because some stuff is just surreal.
Laughing is trained, because laughing shows your opponent that you are not serious, not a

Dr. Nerdlove. Go and show him this guy. He covers all the themes. Even how to be a feminist PUA, how to build up confidence, the difference of catcalls and hellos, ALL THE THINGS about being a decent male being when facing women.

I cannot wait for all the fun because I just got married four weeks ago and I kept my name. And I will dare someone to forget my doctor title.
I will demand that my name is DR. Sechmeth, Goddess of revenge and eater of all noms, Not Ms. Sobek, wife of Sobek, God of testosterone and maker of awesome steaks.
At least

Clerks-like, set in the 80s, about Pam and Eric working at the video rental...

I think it is more interesting that most of the verbal abuse against men online consists of things like "fag" "pussy" and other gems that all fall under the sad fact that these guys are calling other men women.

I find it particularly interesting that misogyny bear says that he was not interested in having sex with her, and THEN accuses her of playing hard to get...make up your mind!

Ah, like all the usual suspects that creep and hassle geek girls at comic con? Why would an average guy go to comic con, if he is not a geek?

The rules are different for men and women. My WuShu teacher explained it like this:
"As a guy, you need to de-escalate. That means, step back, tell your opponent that you do not want trouble, and warn him that you will defend yourself if necessary.
As a woman, step in as close as possible, head high, dare him. This is

I like how it is clostridia. Like all clostridia are the same. Clostridia tetani causes tetanus. Use the whole name of the damn bug, not just the family. Clostridia difficile makes your gut bleed, clostridia botilinum makes the most toxic poison on earth, and clostridium bolteae is involved in autism.
Correct naming

What I do not understand is why men need to say it at all? The woman is married, the guy is married, and he touts: "I like it when you are fat". So what? What do I care about what you like?
It is pretty personal, because obvious, but can any guy imagine another guy coming up, looking at you while wiggling his eyebrows

*tastes like perfume* muahahaha! You never tasted feijoas, right? Come here next february, and try one. They ARE perfume. other fruits taste like mana compared to that one. However, after eating three on three different occasions, they start to taste good.

Seriously? You are 100% lactose intolerant? Sorry to hear.
For the average lactose intolerant: in butter, there is only protein (8%) and fat (81%) left, the carbohydrate (1%), aka lactose, is mostly gone with the whey.

#not all families? Do we have to go that low, or do we really have no idea how to read anymore? If I say I saw a hen flying, I saw one flying, and do not come with #notallhens. Do we need to put an exclamer everywhere?

Especially when he still had his tazer on his belt.

(Sechmeth here) I am shuddering about this whole victim-shaming. It reached a new level with Mike Brown. It is the same shitty shit people say defending what happened to Christy Mack: "She deserved to be beaten to a pulp, because she is a porn actress." NO, NO ONE DESERVES TO DIE OR TO BE BEATEN TO A PULP! EVER!

She is who I would be if I would be a real Egyptian goddess. Perfection, your name is Ro. Her charity work is amazing.

Didn't Masters and Johnson come to the same conclusion 50 years ago? They had strangers and couples having sex, homo and hetero, and found that the quality of sex was higher for the same sex people, no matter if strangers or couples. They concluded that communication and knowing what the other liked was higher in the

I remember a turkish paper with a list of what the surgeons found in the anus of turkish men, which involved a whole eggplant....