
Good news everyone!

No you don't understand, on android there are MULTIPLE ways of taking a screenshot, from day 1. So there's no need for a post like this.

The same with the above.

That's not true. That's what DLC is for. Countless times developers withheld parts of the game before release, so that they can release them later as paid DLC.

Thanks but not everyone lives in the US. Used game sales are not fair to developers sure, but a 1$=1euro price is not fair for the consumer as well.

Wow, so used copies are as good as pirated ones? Well, if you usually buy used, there seems to be no reason to actually buy anymore.

Hm let's see:

Super Mario World is EASILY the best Mario game ever. Period.

So RIM is gonna be the world's leading mobile phone manufacturer? I highly doubt it.

What you don't need 3D? :) You could try InsertCoin, it's rock solid. If you like Sense 3 that is.

If you owned a desire you would know that the Rom space is more than enough for gingersense, *IF* you change the partition sizes. Right now it has a 250mb /system and a 150mb /data partition.

Or in other words, in a one in a million situation.

Well, the Desire still outsells almost every other model HTC released so far. So they decided that they have to kill it off somehow, and pulling software support was the way to do it. Gotta sell them EVO 3Ds somehow!!!

... Batman?

Thunderbolt looks more and more like a quick money-grab to me. And this cable doesn't help either.

Fer realz bro!

Yeap that's where this is going.

Now that would make sense, wouldn't it?
