
Mrs. Medlock slaps the crap outta Martha. A lot.

Science and video games are so sexy.

Why does the lady have a crossbow?


These don't seem any less annoying than the ads here in the states. We buy any car!!


I didn't know I game like this existed!! I love farming so much, I attended an agriculturally-based high school. I must have this game!!

This... This is the best thing in the world. I feel like I found what I've been searching my whole life for.


I super duper love this, happy fun time win YEAH!!

If The Last of Us was a flop, no one would complain about rip-offs.

It was Bigfoot, they saw it! It exists!

This proves that everybody, EVERYBODY, can take cheesy wedding photos.

I didn't think the initial policies were that bad. Ugh, quitters.


Charlie Jane Anders. Yeesh, that's one helluva name.

I've seen these companies bicker before, and they've never had anything truly different to say. But now, sheesh. PS4 kicked XBOX One's nuts, like, a few times.

Cool, I should get that! I'd like people to think I read a lot of books.

No one should know this. What if there's actually an Illusive Man out there? Stop trying to destroy the world, Sebastian!!

Question: Can you terrify them "Paranormal Activity"-style?