[lowers chair the right way]
[lowers chair the right way]
[lowers chair the old-fashion way]
Easily the best thing to come out of Michael Ian Black’s mouth since Bradley Cooper.
Fitting that the naming rights go to a rental car company, since every public Dollar Hertz the Budget.
This man is IRREPLACEABLE! How would the Vikings ever find an overweight, heavily-bearded, Norse-looking man who can ride a motorcycle in Minnesota?!!?
Buffalo Wild Wings’ hot sauce can’t melt steel beams
It’s doctored though; look at all of those fans in the background.
I know, taking multimillion dollar bribes from corporations in exchange for lucrative contracts with foreign governments and then refusing to turn over your private server until the incriminating emails can be purged is so yawn.
USADA: We’re going to allow this. Any objections?
Pacquiao: [can’t raise hand]
Honestly, do you have any idea how much this is going to cost me?
I hope that wall had insurance!
The minute I found out that Lena Dunham was on Twitter I was just like WHO CARES
“Seriously, you guys,” Kelly pleaded obnoxiously, without a hint of his own inherent privilege. “All hits matter.”
I think Lee Majors is a bit old to be taking the heat for these guys.
Just another manic Munn day.
pure... uncut... awesome.
Greg here is what has been going on the neighborhood where the shooting occurred last night. It has been a hot bed of crime