East St. Louis is a hellhole where a small percentage of innocent people who cannot escape are ravaged by a much larger percentage of animals without cages who have no desire to do so. What are they down to now, after the detective was busted with $1 million in coke by the FBI last week? 12 officers? I drove down…
I would assume you would know this person wasn't an American by the way BobLob spelled "honour" with a U instead of "honor" as it would be in America. Then again, most of what you said was indicative of a "Ready, Shoot, Aim" mentality with regards to thinking and conversing. You apparently think that the world would…
Awesome...only way it could have been better would be if Young Kirk/Old Kirk hopped out of an SUV at the end with 5 or 6 Orion Slave Girls in tow...