Runs on recycled dinosaurs

Just get a patient hoist and attach one to each side of the car to gently lower your coked the fuck up self and gnarly man eating whore into your wheeled fighter plane. Immediately crash into closest light pole.

Fixed gear does not mean it has one gear ratio, it is referring to the fact that once you start pedaling you cannot stop pedaling or coast. When the bike is moving the pedals are spinning. These are not BMX bikes as those either have a freewheel or a coaster brake rear hub, fixies are from the world of velodrome

I know a guy named Benjamin Butts.........Or as we call him Ben Jammin Butts.

and insure and maintain multiple vehicles? Drive that bad motherfucker and run around on a motorcycle to save fuel.

It would be siesta time

they get props from me....

Well, we'll let them make the cover. They do know a thing or two about being cold.

I just don't get cruisers but to each their own.

What the fuck does this mean, "as old as the furniture in American distance running"?

Sorta looks like a little 911 is docked in the back, I guess that's one way to alleviate range anxiety.

Turbos are mufflers, the only things in line behind them should be down pipes with or without cats and maybe a resonator to kill drone but that should be it. My 335is is going to get some open mufflers so it can have its voice back, turbo inline 6's sound so damn good with the right intake/exhaust set up. I don't

It really, really needs something puffing into that little heart to give it some more oomph. Make a step up "R" model for those of us that like some semblance of torque and horsepower. We drove a BRZ and my wife said she was going to fall asleep, too quiet and not enough throw you back in the seat, an STI version

As a stupid person that lives in a northern state I had a hard look at one with the hard top. It doesn't really add that much weight and with a set of winter tires that car would make winter a much more fun 6 months. I get that people think that they should be light as a grasshoppers fart but sometimes it seems

The life of everyone on board depends upon just one thing: finding someone back there who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner.

GM has all this shit going on and oddly enough my 09 Suburban is doing its best impression of an improperly jail broken iPhone, it's a brick. I've been going through the engine wiring harness to find the source of an intermittent electrical gremlin that shuts the truck down. I'm on ECM number two so now I have to

Ha, you said work the knob and tranny......

Yeah, its always better to see animals freezing and starving to death in the winters because the population has gotten to big for the available food lots.

I rode a bike with forward controls once. Once.

Oh, I wasn't feeling attacked, had I felt that I would have worm holed my way through my monitor and attacked you in person. ;) I merely wanted to let folks know that there are those of us out there, many, many of us, that use these big fuckers for what they are intended to be used for. I'll be the first to admit I

The illusion of practicality? I use my Suburban to take me into remote areas of the west to camp, hike, ride my enduro and just get away from the rest of you for a week/weekend. I use the 4WD to to get to some of my favorite spots, I'm not running jeep trails but I've gotten the battleship sized pig into and out of