
The populist guys like Trump and LePage remind me of had something on his sleeve too. And it was not his heart.

Wow. Good for you to unleash a fucking idiot on a place you don't even live in. Asshole

“I wish it were 1825" — official slogan of the Republican Party in 2016

The Smithsonian National Zoo has brought in Sparky, the Sumatran tiger you see above, for the sole purpose of sexing

I got someone pretending to be Russian. I say “pretend” because they accidentally slipped a “the” in at the end.

Never thought we’d lose two awesome Princes in one year.

You remember that, do you? Where’s some evidence backing up this potentially faulty memory? Could it possibly be an article in Time, or Newsweek? Or did you possibly remember the 7 peer-reviewed articles that predicted cooling? Because if you remembered those, you should also remember the 42 peer-reviewed articles

Last seen at Jon’s resurrection. Now hanging out, doing Direwolf-y stuff wherever it is all the Direwolves hang when they haven’t been added to the CG budget for the week.

I’m not arguing it was an amazing recovery.. but it was a recovery. nonetheless. A recovery from a catastrophic collapse caused by the worst President in American history. Independents are the worst.. ok 2nd worse.. Libertarians are the worst.

Today to Conservatives, Reagan is a Demigod.

Neckbeard, AR-15 in one hand and a Bible in the other.

He’s a traitorous POS.

A vote for no one is absolutely a complete and utter waste of time. Ralph Nader made the same asinine comment that it doesn’t matter who’s in office. he helped put Bush in office and Bush proved that it absolutely does matter who’s in office. Just throw your voter registration card away, you have no need for it. Just

It’s not that the constitution isn’t relevant anymore, it’s that the people thumping it aren’t aware of the 250 years of legal precedent establishing that many many exceptions exist.

You’re a fucking idiot if you think Obama is worse than Warren G Harding, Grant, or Nixon.