
Creepers a) don't look like that, and b) don't make zombie sounds

19 hours?

Not sure if want...

@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: The only problem with Nokia - and everyone who reads about the subject knows that - is with the software. They simply don't give two shits about their software area.

@USB_Humping_Dog: The cord seems pretty damn sturdy (and I forgot to mention, it's 6m long, with a volume controller).

@USB_Humping_Dog: These, they were really cheap and actually extremely decent for the price I got em for.

@USB_Humping_Dog: Me too, bought my first pair of headphones three weeks ago :D

What the flying fuck is wrong with whoever shot this video?

@0 Lives Left: Please let me promote this comment for flame's sake, Kotaku, please. Hahah

Build your own computer.

@m57: Cement