
Oh my god Brazil has videogames what the hell this is impossible


I'm 16 and watched the original Tron last month. It's nice, but I'm not used to the graphics. I mean, my DS has terrible graphics that are betten than the ones in the movie!

@deanbmmv: Show me one screenshot of a 3GS game, the best you can find. Then I'll show you the best GC screenshot I can find.

@deanbmmv: Are you -crazy-, mister?

@haran_elessar: Physics, unfortunately, haven't evolved much since HL2. Havok-style physics look like are here to stay.

@Hey_Blinkon: Now we get to the point of hystorical accuracy. Nazis used swastikas, right. Since nazis used them, we shall ban them from EVERYTHING, including nazi representations in games, TV and movies. I want to say that come on, now it means that we shouldn't represent their symbol on anything cuz it means that

@Mr. Mew: And I didn't even talk about historical accuracy.

So, from now on a Swastika means that someone or something sypathize with Nazi ideas? Please.

Oh god so oily.

@hot_heart: Oh god that's a tragedy! Maybe the kids will get more interested in the real thing than in the game, CALL THE COPS!

@oliath: I live in this sheethole called Brazil, and still, I can play on 40ms servers. Also, if you like MW2, you're discussing on the wrong post.

Will it make me waffles?

@Lloyd Bentsen: This. I don't want to see any other news other than "EA finally fixed they BC2 servers, gamers can finally play the game"

@Rachel Fogg: What do you mean by "fooled"?

Great to know that Kotaku is having Movie revies too. Keep doing it.

I pre-ordered it on Steam, and I have to say, it's a wonderful game. I only played SP so far, and I've got to say: MW2, your throne is being attacked - heavily.

Damn, this was ridiculous.