

I really can't understand the huge hype around MW2. Ok, CoD4 was awesome and all, but will posting all over about it make it better?

I wonder how this little Heavy would say the Yatatatata Kaboom line... *kawaii* #teamfortress2

I think they're pretty good looking, but who the hell will drop $100 to get a freaking lighter? #pacman

Mega Man for sur- KIRBY!

@WhiteMage: Man, don't say that in Brazil.

I've been playing online multiplayer games only for a long time now.

I think I'm gonna cry.

@MoeB: You deserve a Wii game.

Okay, but I'll still need to buy a console.

@Hi-Im-Asylum: The same here. Never cared a thing about it. If i get to play this at a friend's PS360, will sure do some DJHeroing.

@stubbed_out: Alive is one of the best things I ever heard. It's too sad that a potencially crappy tracklist is side by side with them.