
Probably because he put in the jab about crowd sizes.

Shut the fuck up, tomato.

Listen to Mayor Pete.

I think the idea of a social democracy sits just fine with most of the population. Which seems to be the endgame for both of them via slightly different paths.

It strikes me as absurd, then, to knock Warren for being wonky. Inequality can only be solved by growing the power of organized labor and, even more importantly, via the tax code. The tax code is wonky. Tax policy is wonky. It is also the most powerful tool for fixing what ails us.

Warren’s annual wealth tax on the very rich is, to me, the single most radical policy proposal of any candidate in the race, and would do more than any other single policy to alter the imbalance of economic and political power in this country.

I will easily vote for either.

Avi Smolen replied to this and completely disagree with that woman, offering full support for the other woman who was harassed. You love to see it folks.

Never forget to thank Reagan for this shit.

Blessings on Ms. Pressley. When I first heard about her primary challenge in Massachusetts, I was a little taken aback, but, man, she is definitely an upgrade! Imagine if 90% of our reps were like her and AOC and Katie Porter and Rachida Tlaib.

The republicans are savage fucking pirates. Marauding and plundering through the country and destroying our hopes and prosperity for their greed and hatred.

Fuck that privileged asshole; get his ass!

All the conservatives who complained about the Wall Street bailout are also now terrified of Warren or Sanders going after the same people. 

Should have been a mortgage owner bailout instead of bank bailout. Not only did the banks and executives get off scott free, they got to oversee the greatest wealth transfer in American history. They tanked the economy then got to own all the real estate.

Elizabeth Warren fought her ass off to start the The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which they then wouldn’t let her run because she’s too progressive. If that isn’t asf brutal then idk what is.

I saw a good quote the other day but was unable to save it, so I’m paraphrasing here:

That’s my biggest bitch about Obama - he never went after the m-fers that damn near crashed the economy. Wall St got bailed out by Uncle Sam and there was no fucking accountability. (no investigation into the Iraq War lie either, but that’s for another time)

I think this may reinforce your decision to contribute. Love her!

“Well that’s not a—it would be a sub-optimal situation for the banks,” Cramer responded.