
He’s branched out a bit from time to time...

In Showgirls, there’s a scene were they are at the big party, where Molly is raped, and just behind Nomi, you can see one of the dancers in Goddess slow dancing with another guy. It’s cute, and for 1995, it was all OMG!

Please say you’re thinking of Claire of the Moon. 

There were so many sections of this article that I wanted to quote and reply “YESSSS” to, that I don’t even know how to begin.

This a million times. It’s tone policing. Like, uh sorry that my life is nowhere to be found reflected back to me and I’m a little pissed off about it.

figure out how to do that without being negative to the point of driving creators away from wanting to do it because they see it as an issue on which people are unpleaseable

That would be ‘Chronic Narcissism.’ Of the Donald Trump variety.

Isn’t the difference that Garland was never even allowed to come to a vote, and that extreme measures are pretty well justified now because this is a Supreme Court seat that was stolen from Obama?

Yes but that’s when an actual president was trying to do his job. Now a representative of the Russian mob is trying to do his job so fuck him.

This is part of a larger fallacy that reactionary conservatives can be fisked or fact-checked into submission or into showing the slightest bit of contrition, shame, or willingness to improve their reasoning. They can only be quarantined and hopefully outnumbered in swing states.

I wondered why I recognized those people. I had to watch that training video.


“I had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own,” Ms. Maples said.

It’s such a strange thread. I’m really glad you find it entertaining. I do, too, but some if not most people seem to take it like I’m blaspheming our creator or something. All I said was, I didn’t believe Lochte’s story. I honestly never thought that would be controversial. I assumed most people could see through it.

maybe spend your day catching up on the news kid


hey kid, while you were sleeping Lochte changed his story (again) and GMA is reporting that there is video of one of the swimmers breaking down a door at a gas station and attacking a security guard.

TL;DR. I understand all that without reading it. I found Lochte’s interview unpersuasive the first time I saw it. I find it odd the others have been vague or non-committal in their own comments. I understand the police saying they were inconsistent on key points of their stories, and I don’t accept that as proof that

First of all, you seem to assume im sitting around reading all of your defensive comments. I’m not. So you have told me anything 5 times. His story sounds like bullshit and the fact that you’re so invested in it is okay but don’t jump in my shit telling me how drunken Olympians are supposed to behave. If they can’t